DI - push or pull

Mon 22 April 2013 in programming

Dependency Injection is a must-have for testable code - and please write me if you are no convinced of testability. I even wrote my own simple Dependency Injection Container recently out of pure joy on experimenting. But there is one tiny thing that I can't make up my mind about when using Dependency Injection. Should dependencies be pulled or pushed?


The first option would be that the DIC pushes objects into the constructor.

class MyClass {

    private SomeDependency one;
    private SomeMore two;

    public MyClass(SomeDependency one, SomeMore two) {
        this.one = one;
        this.two = two;

The dependent classes require their own dependencies the same way which results in a dependency tree with the root somewhere in the Main class.

DependencyInjectionContainer dic = new DependencyInjectionContainer();
MyApplication app = dic->getInstance(MyApplication.Class);


  • The classes are completely DI-ignorant
  • Dependencies are defined in a natural way


  • Overhead for analyzing the constructor (can be compensated by generating static factories)
  • It seems a bit verbose, especially with many dependencies


The second option would be for the the requiring class to pull the dependencies from the DIC.

public MyClass(DependencyInjectionContainer dic) {
    this.one = dic.getInstance(SomeDependency.Class);
    this.two = dic.getInstance(SomeMore.Class);

Here, only the DIC itself is passed to the class. If this is done consistently, you don't need to getInstance() anymore.

public MyClass(DependencyInjectionContainer dic) {
    this.one = new SomeDependency(dic);
    this.two = new SomeMore(dic);


  • Cleaner constructor signature


  • Every class depends explicitly on the DIC


While the software architect in me strongly leans towards pushing, the lazy programmer in me often times uses pulling. It's just less writing. But it's probably not a good idea to couple everything with your DIC. This is confirmed by the clean code cheat sheet with the anti-pattern "Artificial Coupling". But still, the easier to read and to maintain code could be worth it.

I would like to know what you think about this. Which approach do you usually use?

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